Bayhill is located in unincorporated Brevard Count (District 4). Our community is not lot located within the City of Melbourne and "Viera" is not an incorporated city or town. Even though your home address may include Melbourne or Viera, your address is simply a function of the post office - it does not indicate the governmental jurisdiction where your property is located.
If you have questions regarding permits (building, fence, roof, etc.), code enforcement, or zoning information, please contact the appropriate Brevard County Government office.
Schedules, Responsibilities, Rules, and Restrictions
Garbage and Recycling Pickup
Pool Access:
Pool Rules:
Pool Parking Lot:
Pavilion, Doggie Station and Basketball Court:
Children’s Playground:
- Garbage is collected on Mondays and Thursdays (Call Waste Management at (321) 723-4455 to pickup oversized
- Recycling and Yard Waste are collected on Mondays
- No trash pick up on: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
- If Monday is a major Holiday, trash and recycling will not be picked up
- Place Bins curbside after 6:00 in the evening the day before pickup
- Put Bins away by end of day on the day that waste was collected; clean up any spills
- Yard waste, tree branches, palm fronds, etc., are placed curbside for Monday pickup - DO NOT PLACE ON TOP OF STORM DRAINS!
- Contact Waste Management for pickup of oversized items
- Be sure that all curb side waste is, in as much as possible, made safe
Pool Access:
- The pool is for use by Residents and accompanied Guests only (all others are trespassing)
- Children under the age of 15 must be with an adult (18+)
- Pools hours are from 6am-8:30pm (Apr-Oct) and 6am-6:30pm (Nov-Mar)
- Key access is required - keep gate closed
- Activities are monitored to aid in the prosecution of any crime committed in and against this facility
Pool Rules:
- The Max Capacity in the pool is 51 persons; no animals in the pool or pool area
- No food or glass in the pool area
- Shower before entering the pool
- Do not drink the pool water
- Do not enter the pool: with street clothes, if you have diarrhea, children not potty trained with out swim diapers
- No diving, running or horse play of any kind (be safe at all times)
- No playing with the pool net, pool safety hook/loop or with the life preserver
- Clean up after yourself, your family members and your guests and properly dispose of trash
- If you violate the rules, your pool card may be turned off for a period determined by the HOA
- Pool cards can be issued or replaced by contacting [email protected]
Pool Parking Lot:
- Parking is for Pool and Recreation Area users only from Dawn to Dusk
- Overflow, Commercial Vehicle, Boat or Trailer parking are not authorized
- Handicapped parking spots are only for handicapped individuals
Pavilion, Doggie Station and Basketball Court:
- These areas are for Residents and their guests, only (all others are trespassing)
- Clean up behind yourself, your family, your guests, and your pets
Children’s Playground:
- The Hours of use are from Dawn to Dusk
- The area is reserved for Residents and their Guests, only (all others are trespassing)
- The Playground is reserved for children between the ages of 2 and 10 and must be accompanied by a parent or an adult
- No rough playing or yelling
- One person on the swing at a time and no jumping off playground equipment
- No glass or bottles in play area
- Pets are not allowed in the playground area.
- Fishing in the Recreational/Common Areas is allowed by residents only.
- Fishing in the VECDD ponds, when on VECDD property, is allowed. Trespassing on private property is not allowed!